How to Sync Epics in Exalate for ServiceNow

    Epics in ServiceNow represent stories or requirements that were not transformed into stories. Epics are available as part of the ServiceNow Agile Development application. You can sync epics with Exalate for ServiceNow.

    Source Side

    Outgoing Sync

    Example of an outgoing script to send epic data.

    if(entityType == "epic") {
      replica.short_description = epic.short_description
      replica.description = epic.description
      replica.correlation_id = epic.correlation_id
      replica.correlation_display = epic.correlation_display
      replica.assigned_to = epic.assigned_to

    Destination Side

    Incoming Sync

    Example of a script to receive epic data:

    if(entityType == "epic") {
      epic.short_description = replica.summary
      epic.description = replica.description
      epic.correlation_id = replica.key
      epic.correlation_display = "IDalko-Jira"
      epic.assigned_to = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.assignee?.email)?.key   

    With this script, we can sync data with Jira issues: summaries, descriptions, assignees.

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