Active Objects
Active Objects control access to the database layer provided by the Jira environment for Deployment type 2 Exalate model.
Admin on Both Systems
A user who has admin rights on both the platforms.
AI Assist
AI Assis is an LLM-based tool, which acts as an integrated copilot within the Scripting Sync Rules editor. It provids real-time scripting support and is aimed at enhancing efficiency and accuracy for users working directly with sync rules.
An Exalate
An Exalate is the action of bringing an entity ‘under sync’ - this typically results in creating an entity on the other side.
Atlassian Connect add-on
Atlassian Connect is a development framework for extending Atlassian cloud products. Add-on apps can be developed using Connect in Jira Cloud.
Azure DevOps
Is a software application providing version control, project management, automated builds, testing and release management capabilities.
Basic Mode
This is an Exalate Configuration Mode that allows default mappings between different platforms that cannot be changed. It is available with the Free Plan.
A blob is another name for ‘file’, ‘attachment’ …
Bug bounty program
Bug Bounty program is organized, where 200 security researchers help with the identification of security vulnerabilities.
Bulk Connect
This operation allows you to connect and sync entities from 2 different platforms in bulk.
Bulk Exalate
Bulk Exalate allows you to sync existing entities between two platforms that satisfy conditions you have set in Triggers in bulk.
CIA triad
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability, forming the cornerstone of an organization’s security infrastructure.
This operations stops the entity synchronization.
Configuration Modes
Configuration modes in Exalate defines how synchronization is customized between two platforms. Exalate supports 3 Configuration Modes - Basic, Visual and Script.
A Connection defines how entities are synced between instances. Each Connection has the following components: Connection type, Information about the Destination Instance, Sync Rules (Outgoing sync and Incoming sync information).
Decentralised integration
In this, both integrating parties have control of what information is sent out and how incoming information is processed. This is the reason why Exalate has to be installed as a dedicated App on both the integrating platforms.
Deployment models of Exalate
These specify how Exalate is being deployed: On-premise, as-a-cloud application or a hybrid approach. Exalate supports 4 deployment models.
Destination Instance
The Destination Instance is an Instance you want to set up a Connection with and start synchronizing.
Destination instance URL
Destination instance URL is a link to the instance you want to set up a connection with. You can enter the link to the instance you are trying to connect, or the Exalate URL from General Settings. Exalate will suggest available connection types based on the destination instance's version of Exalate.
Entities can be any item that you want to synchronize with the destination instance. They can be issues in Jira and GitHub; incidents, problems, changeRequests in ServiceNow; Cases, Opportunities in Salesforce; work items in Azure DevOps or tickets in Zendesk.
Entity URN
Entity URN is a unique identification number that helps identify a particular entity on the different task management systems. This URN is used for syncing and unsyncing entities between different systems.
Exalate Add-on
In the deployment type-2 model, the Exalate Add-on is used for Jira Server and Jira Data Center.
Exalate Admin Console
The Exalate Admin Console is used to configure and manage Connections and the overall synchronization behavior of a single node.
Exalate App
The bi-directional synchronization application discussed in this whitepaper.
Exalate Cloud
Exalate Cloud is a Google-cloud based infrastructure optimized for hosting the Exalate nodes. It provides security, high availability, scalability and performance.
Exalate Network
An Exalate network is an ecosystem of multiple connected platforms. For instance, a car-parts manufacturer uses Exalate to integrate their task management systems with that of their customers.
Exalate Node
An Exalate Node is an instance of the Exalate Application.
Exalate Post Function
Available in Jira to start synchronization automatically.
Exalate REST API
The Exalate Rest API controls access to Exalate functionality, such as transport and console.
Exalate transport layer
Exalate is a message bus, which exchanges structured messages between multiple trackers. As a software application, Exalate has a layered architecture, where the transport layer is responsible for transmitting data between the nodes.
Filtering allows limiting the information sent to other instances.
Free Plan
The Free Plan allows companies to get an understanding of the value integrations can bring.Only 1000 free entities per month are allowed with this plan.
Full Exalate Admin
A single user having access to both platforms under synchronization to configure a connection in the Visual mode.
It is an open-source software development and version control application.
Governance Model
Governance model is suggested to make sure unauthorized access to the Exalate Console is avoided and proper permission schemes are in place.
Groovy is a dynamic language for the Java platform.
Groovy based scripting engine
Engine that interprets and processes scripts written in Groovy for transforming and filtering the information to be exchanged.
A secure transfer protocol used by Exalate.
The hubIssue is a short name for the entity(issue) related payload. The hubIssue can be compared to the letter you send, while the replica the envelop that contains the letter.
Incoming sync
Sync rules that define how to handle information received from the remote side. Check the Sync Rules concept for more details.
Incoming sync event
A synchronization request is a registration of the remote entity's change. Every Outgoing Sync event on the sending side results in the incoming sync request on the Destination side.
An Instance is a task management system with the entities that you want to synchronize.
Integrated Retry Mechanism
Exalate’s in-built mechanism to recover from system failures and downtimes without manual intervention.
Invitation Code
A unique code that authenticates the source and destination platform to form a connection. Is used as a digital signature to verify both parties. Consider it as a key, and make sure that nobody has unauthorized access!
Issue Tracker
A tracker is an issue/ ticket/ task management system used by teams to organize day to day operations.
Jira is an issue or bug tracking system developed by Atlassian. It also allows for agile project management.
Jira Service Management
Atlassian’s Jira provides service desk capabilities for raising customer bugs and providing support.
Jira Software
Jira Software is part of a family of products designed by Atlassian to help teams of all types manage work. It is a bug or issue tracker and project management software.
JWT Token Mechanism
A JWT token mechanism is used to sign every message between the Exalate nodes such that the integrating parties are recognized as a trusted source.
Local Connection Type
A local connection allows for synchronization between local entities within a single platform. A typical example is a local connection between a Jira Service Management project and a Jira Software project.
Local Exalate Admin
Local Exalate admin configures and maintains all connections in all configuration modes from the local side.
Loosely Coupled
Exalate supports a distributed architecture where each side controls what is sent and received. This makes the systems loosely coupled and less dependent on one another, reducing maintenance challenges.
Exalate acts as a middleware that transports data between 2 platforms.
An architecture where a single application provides support for different subscribers. The shared infrastructure is a potential security risk and needs to be continuously validated against information leaks.
Outgoing and Incoming Sync Processors
Processors to configure and determine what information is sent and received between the 2 platforms.
Outgoing sync
Sync rules that specify which information can be transferred to the destination instance. Check the sync rules concept for more details.
Outgoing sync event
A synchronization event is a registration of the local issue's change. Exalate creates an outgoing sync event on the local issue update.
Exalate periodically polls the instances to check for any synchronization updates to be applied to the destination side. This polling approach is applied where the push model is not supported by the tracker.
Private to Public Connection Type
Connection type when information needs to be synchronized between the public facing server and an internal server behind a firewall. No need to open a TCP port on the firewall to allow bidirectional synchronization.
There are 2 types of Processors: Outgoing sync and Incoming sync. These processors are specified in the context of the synchronization process. Sync rules are defined with the help of these processors.
Project Level Admin
Project level admins can set up configuration in the Basic Mode without having system administrator rights.
Proxy User
An Exalate Proxy User is a user of a work management system used by Exalate to access task/entity-related information. This user account is used to make changes such as creating entities and updating data.
Public to Public Connection Type
Connection type when information needs to be synchronized between two public facing servers.
Push Function of Exalate
Exalate registers the instance to receive webhooks whenever the platform provides this capability. Used in deployment type 4 model.
A Replica is a copy of an entity which is transferred to the other instance. It works like an empty envelope in which you fill the information you to send to the destination instance and seal it. It travels to the other side where this envelope is unsealed and the information is applied in any way that makes sense.
Reverse Proxy Function of Exalate
All Exalate nodes are fronted with a reverse proxy for SSL termination.
Is a customer relationship management platform that enhances the customer experience and can be used by a variety of teams like sales, marketing, IT and the like.
Scope in Visual mode decides the context for the synchronization: what entities you want to sync and how to start the synchronization process.
Script Mode
The Script Mode is used to configure connections using Groovy scripts allowing for extended flexibility.You can implement the most advanced sync use cases with this mode.
Scripts are snippets of code written in Groovy scripting language to control what information is sent and received.
Security FAQ
A document that can be requested by sending an email to that can help answer commonly raised security queries.
An ITSM platform that helps companies manage digital workflows for enterprise operations.
Single Tenant Setup
The environment provided by Exalate such that the process, file and database space for one customer is completely separated from the other.
Sync Panel
Sync panel is used to show the status of the entity under synchronization and also provides the link to the remote entity if available. The Sync Panel is only available on platforms allowing this functionality.
Sync Queue
A queue to register outgoing and incoming sync requests. It can be useful in case of downtimes, to apply the lost changes in the same order as their initiation.
Sync Rules
A set of rules that define the synchronization behavior (filtering, mapping and transformation) of the entity data. Exalate uses groovy scripting in its advanced sync rules. Sync Rules include 2 elements: Outgoing sync and Incoming sync.
Synchronization Process
Details about how the transactional synchronization engine works.
task management systems
Task management systems are the different platforms you use for manage your daily tasks. For instance, Jira, GitHub, Zendesk, Azure DevOps, Salesforce, ServiceNow, etc.
The Local Exalate Admin
The user who maintains and configures the connections on the local instance.
The Mapper
The mapper is a reverse proxy that will redirect calls from Jira cloud to the right node application using the id provided by Atlassian.
To Trigger an Exalate
To trigger an Exalate means to bring an entity under sync. Exalate is a wordplay on the term ‘to escalate’.
Transactional Synchronisation Engine
Exalate has an advanced transaction-based synchronization engine where every change is recorded and queued such that it is applied in the correct order.
Transformation is the act of changing one type of value into another type of value. For instance, changing a status into a comment.
A Trigger starts the synchronization process automatically. You can use Triggers for different platforms using the platform specific search syntax.
A Twin is a pair of entities that are related to each other through a synchronization relation. Any modification is synchronized towards the other entity using the specifications of the relation.
Under Sync
An entity is under sync when data is synchronized with another platform.
The Unexalate operation is used to stop the entity synchronization. It is avaialble as an option in the Sync panel on certain platforms and on the Entity Sync status tab in the Exalate Admin console.
Visual Mode
A low-code, point-and-click user interface. Also has the option of adding scripts through advancedlogic for enhanced flexibility. This helps accommodate unique synchronization needs.
Visual Mode Admin Verification Process
Verification process where a user is checked for credentials to the destination issue tracker. Upon verification, the Visual Mode connection is successfully established.
Work Management System
Systems used to manage day to day business work. Examples are Jira, Azure DevOps, Zendesk, Salesforce, ServiceNow, GitHub, etc.
Every request from the client has a token “X-Exalate-JWT” - allowing it to validate the message.
It is a service desk to serve customer tickets and other customer communications.