This article describes how to synchronize attachments.
With Exalate, you have full control over attachment synchronization. You can define the sync behavior for attachments in different ways. For example:
- filter what attachments to send by file type or size
- sync attachments from the public comments only
- the attachment size limit on both instances (you can configure the max attachment size in Jira)
- instance HTTP/HTTPS connection timeouts
Send all the attachments
- Send only .pdf files
Send only attachments mentioned in public comments and handle names with special characters
- Merge attachments using attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments . It's is the most common case, which is included in the default sync rules.
- Create new attachments, received from the source side
- Add all received attachments to the local issue and change the attachment name. You can manipulate attachments via groovy collection methods to apply any specific behavior.
- Gather statistics from the attachments
- Make the issue attachments the same as the ones received from the remote instance
Note: The maximum attachment size that you can synchronize depends on a couple of factors:
We've tested the synchronization of attachments with the size up to 1 GB, which worked without any issues, bigger attachments should not be a problem either.
Source Side
When sending attachments, you need to remember, that not all the attachments have to be sent over. You can use the groovy collection methods to control the collection contents:
Outgoing sync
replica.attachments = issue.attachments
replica.attachments = issue.attachments.findAll { attachment -> attachment.filename.endsWith(".pdf") }
def isMentionedInPublicComments(attachment, publicComments) { publicComments?.any {c -> c.body.contains("[^" + attachment.filename + "]") || (c.body =~ (/!${java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(a.filename)}(\|.*!|!)/.toString())).find() } } replica.attachments = issue.attachments.findAll{isMentionedInPublicComments(it, publicComments)}
Destination Side
Incoming sync
You can define how to create issue attachments, received from the other side. Check some examples below:
//add all new attachments as listed in the replica and remove all attachments from the issue which have been removed in the remote issue issue.attachments = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(issue, replica)
issue.attachments.addAll(replica.addedAttachments) // or issue.attachments += replica.addedAttachments
issue.attachments.addAll(replica.addedAttachments) issue.attachments = issue.attachments.collect {attachment -> attachment.filename = "node_A_" + attachment.filename // return an attachment attachment }
def numberOfAttachmentsPerTypes = issue.attachments.inject([:]) { result, attachment -> def getFileExt = { filename -> def lastDotIdx = filename.lastIndexOf("."); (lastDotIdx > 0)? filename.substring(lastDotIdx) : null } def fileExt = getFileExt(attachment.filename) def numberOfAttachmentsPerType = result[fileExt] numberOfAttachmentsPerType = numberOfAttachmentsPerType ?: 0 result[fileExt] = numberOfCommentsPerAuthor + 1 result } /* for attachments:[ [ filename:"foo.pdf" ], [ filename:"bar.txt" ], [ filename:"baz.pdf" ], [ filename:"hahaha" ] ] numberOfAttachmentsPerTypes would be [".pdf" : 2,".txt" : 1, null : 1] */
This will remove all the attachments, which are not present on the remote issue replica. Use with caution.
issue.attachments = replica.attachments