Zendesk - Version 5.1.0

    Released for ZENDESK on Apr 5, 2021

    From now on, you can create Basic connections to sync Zendesk tickets. With Basic connections, you can sync the most basic ticket data. These connections are easy to set up and can be upgraded to Visual and Script connections to add more features. We also made a bunch of other improvements, bug fixes, and UI updates.

    In this release


    ZENDESK-320Now you can create Basic connections. They are easy to set up and sync all the basic ticket types. You can upgrade the connection to Visual or Script if you want to have more flexibility
    ZENDESK-327Exalate for Zendesk can now convert Markdown to HTML and vice versa. This simplifies syncing text, images, lists, tables, links, and comments. Check this article for more information
    EXACOMP-943Improved app performance by reducing the memory consumption of the connection list
    EXACOMP-995Added logging for blob mismatch errors
    EXACOMP-729Improved app security
    EXACOMP-1054Optimized the message API

    Bug fixes

    EXACOMP-1028Fixed a bug with an error appearing after updating a ticket synced from an Azure DevOps work item
    ZENDESK-323Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to buy a Zendesk license
    EASE-7798Fixed a bug where Exalate for Zendesk wasn't able to verify the authentication type
    EXACOMP-440Fixed a bug where sync requests weren't removed if a clean-up was running at the same time
    EXACOMP-1047Fixed a bug where some connection-related data wasn't deleted after deleting a connection
    EXACOMP-1068Fixed a bug where mapping suggestions weren't shown when configuring sync scope for Visual connections
    EXACOMP-1053Fixed a bug where some of the projects weren't shown for Visual connections
    SNOWNODE-309Fixed a bug where the connection ID was shown instead of the connection name
    EXACOMP-1140Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to edit mappings when configuring Sync scope for a Visual connection
    EXACOMP-1158Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to publish a connection between Zendesk and Azure DevOps
    EXACOMP-1162Fixed a bug where Documentation links were opened inside the UI
    EXACOMP-1166Fixed a bug for compatibility with older versions of Exalate for Jira on-premise
    JCLOUD-1529Fixed a bug where the Remote link wasn't shown in the ticket view
    EXACOMP-1186Fixed a bug when there was a white screen when clicking Go to remote
    ZENDESK-349Fixed a bug where a user with the agent role couldn't sync tickets

    UI updates

    EXACOMP-1014Now you can contact an Exalate partner from the License Details menu
    EXACOMP-1015Updated the text of the License Details menu
    EXACOMP-987Updated the notification for errors with attachment sync
    EXACOMP-1064Updated the flow of establishing a Visual connection
    EXACOMP-1198Added a pop-up notifying that a connection already exists