Jira Cloud - Version 4.1.6-AC (internal: 5.0.64)

    Released for  JIRA CLOUD on Jan 15, 2021

    In this release, we improved general Exalate performance by updating our codebase. We also made various bug fixes and UI updates

    In this release


    EXACOMP-972Implemented lazy loading. This improves performance by not overloading memory with data
    EXACOMP-789Improved general load time by updating the codebase
    EXACOMP-982JWT token expiration is now logged as WARN
    EXACOMP-979Improved performance by reworking the data storage mechanism
    EXACOMP-789Improved general load time by updating the codebase
    EXACOMP-894Improved security against XSS attacks

    Bug fixes

    JCLOUD-1505Fixed bug with script error appearing during worklog sync
    JCLOUD-1475Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to sync issues with a Jira classic project after creating and deleting a next-gen project
    EXACOMP-981Fixed bug where expired licenses were shown as valid
    JCLOUD-1504Fixed bug with visual mode connections getting stuck
    ZENDESK-301Fixed bug with the successful verification screen appearing after refreshing a page
    EXAEDIT-1182Fixed bug with the filter in Sync Queue working incorrectly
    EXAEDIT-1186Fixed bug with license limitation showing incorrectly in Bulk Exalate
    EXACOMP-678Fixed bug where project name wasn't shown if disabling a Visual mode connection
    EXAEDIT-1185Fixed bug where connections between Jira Cloud and Azure DevOps were getting stuck
    EXAEDIT-1180Fixed bug where automatic and manual sync wasn't working in Visual mode connections if there were many conditions

    UI updates

    EXACOMP-285Updated the look of the License Details section
    EXACOMP-787Updated the notification after making a Bulk Connect
    EXACOMP-964Bulk Connect and Triggers tabs load faster
    EXACOMP-621Removed the template selection for Script mode connections
    EXAEDIT-1031Fixed alignment of checkboxes in the Add mapping section of Visual mode connections