This article shows how to synchronize ServiceNow fields of different types.
In ServiceNow, you can get and set any of the fields of the entity by its internal name. For example:
get the state of an incident
def state = incident.incident_state
set a value to the incident state field manually
incident.incident_state = "9"
Exalate maps the field names and values to the ServiceNow Rest API, which means that any field name/value that is allowed by the Rest API would work when used from the Exalate groovy scripts.
- ServiceNow to Jira
- Jira to ServiceNow
- ServiceNow to ServiceNow
ServiceNow to Jira
Source side(ServiceNow)
Outgoing sync
Send a field value
You should use the column name instead of the field.
replica.short_description = incident.short_description
Destination Side (Jira)
Incoming sync
Set the value received from ServiceNow to the Jira custom field with the issue.customFields."Jira Custom Field name".value
issue.customFields."Jira Custom Field name".value = replica.short_description
Jira to ServiceNow
Source side(Jira)
Outgoing sync
Send the Jira custom field value without any context to the ServiceNow side
replica.customFields."Jira Custom Field name" = issue.customFields."Jira Custom Field name"
Destination Side (ServiceNow)
Incoming sync
When setting received value from Jira custom field you need to know the type of the local field.
Fields of type String
Set the received value from the Jira custom field into the field of type String
You should use the column name instead of the field.
incident."short_description" = replica.customFields."Jira Custom Field name".value
Fields of type reference
To set the value received from the Jira custom field into the field of type reference you need to retrieve the field from ServiceNow API using getTableByName helper method.
incident."assignment_group" = nodeHelper.getTableByName("assignment_group", replica.customFields."Jira Custom Field name".value)?.sys_id
in some cases, you are able to set a reference field by the display name value:
incident."assignment_group" = replica.customFields."Jira Custom Field name"?.value
ServiceNow to ServiceNow
Source side(ServiceNow)
Outgoing sync
Send a field
You need to use the column name instead of the display name. For more information, please read how to find the column name of a ServiceNow field.
replica.short_description = incident.short_description
Destination Side (ServiceNow)
Incoming sync
Fields of type String
To synchronize an individual field of the same type
You should use the column name instead of the field.
incident.short_description = replica.short_description
You can set a value from one field to another field when creating the ServiceNow incident(or any other supported entity) using this example. It helps to append the string value to another field.
incident."Service Now Field Name" = "My value" + incident."Field 2 Name"