Sync an Assignee to a Text Custom Field in Exalate for Jira Cloud

    This article shows how to synchronize an assignee to a text custom field.

    Source side

     Outgoing sync

     1 replica.assignee = issue.assignee

    Destination side

    An assignee is an object with some properties. Each property is of type text. You can sync the following properties: key, email, displayName, username. Add the code below to the Incoming sync to sync Assignee email address

    1 issue.customFields."Your custom field name".value = replica.assignee?.email

    You can replace the .email property with any other assignee object property. Check the User for all available properties. For example, you can use this code to sync the assignee displayName:

    1 issue.customFields."Your custom field name".value = replica.assignee?.displayName