Jira Cloud - Version 5.12.0

    Released for Jira Cloud on May 27, 2024

    In this release, we've made some improvements and resolved the following issues: 

    Bug fixes

    • XLT-4767 - Support inline links format during the sync so that after synchronization it won't need reformatting.
    • XLT-4768 - Support an unordered list format during the sync so that after synchronization it won't need reformatting.
    • XLT-4769 - Support the numbered list format during the sync so that after synchronization it won't need reformatting.
    • XLT-4912 - Exalate sends outgoing request for the same ticket that was successfully received.
    • XLT-5150 - Step 3. Automate Sync is not marked as done if user already have Trigger.
    • XLT-5145  - "Before we start" doesn't remain closed.
    • XLT-5143 - Cache does not refresh in time to pick newly created custom fields.
    • XLT-5124 - [BUG] Active connection tooltip is not centred in relation to the frame.
    • XLT-5077 - Delegated Admin Access on Jira Cloud only provides access to limited connections and functionality.
    • XLT-5003 - XSS scripts can be stored in the following field (Exalate by connection/Visual connection filters).
    • XLT-4846 -Behavior of the Entity key fields are not consistent.


    • XLT-4941 - Getting Started Page UI enhancements.
    • XLT- 5155 - "Hide Completed" button behaviour improvements.
    • XLT-5067 - JC-ADO: Support inline attachments (images) during the sync.
    • XLT-5066 - Replace support.idalko.com with licensegen.exalate.com as license generation service.
    • XLT-5001 - Sprint entity type is getting 500 error if the URN is incorrect.
    • XLT -4992 - Http client to resolve RAM issues.
    • XLT- 4602 - Redirect Users to Getting Started page.
    • XLT-4508 - Enhance In-Product Onboarding Experience.