ServiceNow - Version 5.0.28

    Released for SERVICENOW on Dec 16, 2020

    In this release, we added a possibility to sync any ServiceNow entity. Also, you will now receive a verification link when registering an Exalate instance. This makes it easier to get an evaluation license, create an Exalate admin account, and also improves security. Moreover, we made some bug fixes, and improved our user interface

    In this release



    From now on, you can sync any ServiceNow entity with Exalate. Check out this article for more information:

    How to sync any entity in Exalate for ServiceNow

    SNOWNODE-259We updated the process of registering an Exalate instance. From now on, you will receive a verification link to your email. This simplifies the process of creating an Exalate admin account and improves security

    Bug fixes

    SNOWNODE-260Fixed bug where emails with sync error notifications weren't sent
    EASE-6506Fixed bug with Connect not working correctly in Exalate for ServiceNow

    UI updates

    EXACOMP-682Updated the look of Subscribe to Exalate screen