This article describes how to sync Picklist and Picklist Multi-select object fields.
Picklist sync
In this example, we are going to sync the Picklist Priority field from Salesforce Case to Jira.
Salesforce Outgoing sync rules
replica.priority = entity.Priority
replica.priority = entity.Priority
Jira Incoming sync rules:
issue.customFields."Hobby".value = replica.priority?.value ?: "Running" //Running will be set as a default option if Priority has no selected option
Jira Outgoing sync rules
replica.customFields."text" = issue.customFields."text"
replica.customFields."text" = issue.customFields."text"
Salesforce Incoming sync rules:
entity.SuppliedCompany = replica.customFields."text".value
Picklist Multi-select sync
In this example, we are going to sync the Picklist Multi-select field from Salesforce Case to Jira.
Salesforce to Jira sync
Salesforce Outgoing sync rules:
replica.custom_multi_picklist__c = entity.custom_multi_picklist__c
Jira Incoming sync rules:
issue.customFields."Hobby".value = replica.custom_multi_picklist__c?.value ?: "Running" //Running will be set as a default option if custom_multi_picklist__c has no selected options
Another example of Jira Incoming sync rules that also includes nodeHelper getOption
issue.customFields."Hobby".value = replica.custom_multi_picklist__c.collect{c -> nodeHelper.getOption(issue, "Running", c.value)}
Jira to Salesforce sync
Jira Outgoing sync rules:
replica.customFields."Hobby" = issue.customFields."Hobby"
Salesforce Incoming sync rules:
entity.custom_multi_picklist__c = String.join(";", replica.customFields."Hobby".value.collect{o -> o.value }))
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