How to Sync Custom Fields in Jira Cloud

    This article describes how to synchronize custom fields in Jira.

    Basic Custom Field Synchronization

    You can synchronize all standard custom fields with the following custom field types:

    There are always two main configuration points: Outgoing sync, which is the sending side, and Incoming sync, or the receiving side. To send the custom field, you need to get the custom field object and assign it to the replica. To get the custom field object you can use the original custom field name or ID. Get the custom field object examples.

    Add the local custom field object to the replica using the custom field name

    replica.customFields."Custom field name" = issue.customFields."Local custom field name" 

    Add the local custom field object to the replica using the custom field ID

    replica.customFields."17800" = issue.customFields."17800" 

    To use the custom field data received from the remote side, you need to assign its value to a local field. This local field can be either a custom field or a standard field. The example below shows how to synchronize simple custom fields (single text, multi-line, date picker, lists, labels and others).

    Outgoing Sync

    Send the custom field to the remote side:

    replica.customFields."Custom field name" = issue.customFields."Custom field name" 

    Incoming Sync

    Set the value of the received custom field in the local custom field using the code below:

    issue.customFields."Local custom field name".value = replica.customFields."Custom field name".value

    How to Sync Custom Field using Shortcuts

    Some custom fields like Text or List fields can also be synced using shortcuts. The shortcuts exclude the 'CustomField' word and include the actual custom field name in quotes. This is an example of how to sync Text Custom field (some_text) with another Text Custom field (my_text):

    Outgoing Sync

    replica."some_text" = issue."some_text"

    Incoming Sync

    issue."my_text" = replica."some_text"

    This is an example of how to sync List Custom field (some_list) with another List Custom field (my_list)

    Outgoing Sync

    replica."some_list" = issue."some_list"

    Incoming Sync

    issue."my_list" = replica."some_list".value

    How to Set Default Values in a Custom Field

    You can add a value to a custom field directly in the Incoming Sync Rules. For example, when the receiving side custom field does not have the relevant option, you can set a default option in the script.

    To set the value you need to know the custom field value type. It depends on the custom field type itself.

    Each value type has different properties and fields which you can use during the synchronization. The table below includes available value types for every custom field type.

    JIRA Custom Field Types Value on script
    Checkboxes List of Option
    Date Picker Date
    Date Time Picker Date
    Labels List of Label
    Number Field Number
    Radio Buttons Option
    Select List (cascading) Cascading
    Select List (multiple choices) List of Option
    Select List (single choice) Option
    Text Field (single line) String
    Text Field (multi-line) String
    Url Field String
    User Picker (single user) User
    User Picker (multiple users) List of Users
    Version Picker (multiple versions) List of Versions

    Below you can find examples of how to set a default value for different custom field types.

    Text Custom Field

    Set a default value to the text custom field "Address" if no custom field was sent from the other side

    issue.customFields."Remote Address".value = replica.customFields."Address"?.value ?:
           "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043"

    User Picker(Single/Multi User)

    Set a default user to admin if there's no user found or no value received from the remote side

    // Single User
    issue.customFields."Original User".value = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.customFields."User"?.value?.email) ?: nodeHelper.getUserByUsername("admin")
    // Multi User
    def remoteUsers = replica.customFields."Multi Users"?.value
    issue.customFields."Multi Users".value = remoteUsers?.collect{nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(} ?: []

    Syncing other Types of Custom Fields

    Handling Custom Field with Options

    Jira has multiple custom fields with options:

    • Select list (Single choice)
    • Select list (Multiple choices)
    • Select list radio button
    • Select list checkbox

    Exalate has a specific helper method getOption which handles custom fields that use the value type Option.

    Syncing Cascading Select Fields

    This type of custom field has a value of type cascading. The field value consists of two options: parent option and child option. For more information, please read how to sync cascading select custom fields.

    Syncing Version Picker Fields (Single/Multiple Versions)

    Outgoing sync
    replica.customFields."Multiple Versions" = issue.customFields."Multiple Versions" 

    Incoming sync

    Note: The example below handles the following cases:

    • when the replica is sent with one version only
    • when the replica is sent with a list of multiple versions
    • when the replica is sent empty to set it to an empty list instead of getting an error
    def remoteVersions = [ replica.customFields."Multiple Versions"?.value]?.flatten()?.findAll()
    issue.customFields."Multiple Versions".value = 
      remoteVersions?.collect { v -> nodeHelper.createVersion(issue,, v.description) } ?: []

    User Picker (Single User)

    For the custom field which is the user picker type (single user), you can use the getUserByEmail helper method.

    Set the Original User based on the received user email.

    Incoming Sync
    issue.customFields."Original User".value = nodeHelper.getUserByEmail(replica.customFields."User"?.value?.email)

    More Complex Custom Fields Synchronization

    Exalate allows syncing any kind of custom field type combination.

    • sync labels from the source issue to a text custom field on the other side
    • sync select list to a text custom field
    • sync select list to user picker

    In order to transform custom field data from one value type to another, you need to know:

    • Sending custom field type (replica)
    • Receiving custom field type (issue)

    It is important to know what to expect when calling .value on the field.


    A text custom field based on the remote user picker (single user) field. Make sure that after getting the user from the custom field, you get the specific value you need from it (in this case the username):

    issue.customFields."Text Field Name".value = replica.customFields."Users Custom Fields"?.value.username

    A text custom field based on the remote SelectList (multiple choices) field. Make sure that after getting the option from the custom field, you get the specific value you need from it (in this case of multiple options):

    issue.customFields."Text Field Name".value = replica.customFields."Multi Options"?.value?.collect{it.value}.join(',')

    Additional examples