This article shows how to move issues automatically with the External scripts library. This script handles the situation when you move issues from one workflow to another workflow on the source system.
Source side | Destination side |
projects | ProjectKey_A1 ProjectKey_A2 |
ProjectKey_B1 ProjectKey_B2 |
issue types | IssueType_A1 IssueType_A2 |
IssueType_B1 IssueType_B2 |
workflows |
LocalWorkFlow1 LocalWorkFlow2 |
1. Upload the File with the External Script
You need to upload the Move.groovy file into the scripts directory.
External scripts library location
Jira Server: $JIRA_HOME/scripts
2. Call the Script from the Sync Rules
Once all external .groovy files have been uploaded to the proper directory, you need to call the script from the Sync Rules.
Every .groovy file includes comments with a detailed explanation on how to use it. For more information, please read the file comments.
Source Side
Outgoing sync
Add the snippet below to the new line in the end of the data filter
replica.type = issue.type replica.project = issue.project replica.status = issue.status
Destination Side
Incoming sync
Add the snippet below to the new line in the end of the change processor
Move Issues automatically according to the Specified Mapping
The method helps to move issues automatically in case the source issue has been moved to another project or the issue type has been changed on the source side.
Incoming sync
Move.receive( //projectMapping: ["ProjectKey_A1":"ProjectKey_B1", "ProjectKey_A2":"ProjectKey_B2"], //issueTypeMapping: ["IssueType_A1":"IssueType_B1", "IssueType_A2":"IssueType_B2"], //moveStatusMapping: ["LocalWorkFlow1" : ["LocalWorkFlow2" : ["OPEN": "TO DO"] ] ], //sameStatusIfNotInMapping true, replica, issue )
Move Issue with Identical Workflows for all Issue Types
If the workflows are identical for all issue types, you don't need to specify the status mapping. But you still need to specify project and issue type mappings if the projects and issue types are different.
Move.receive( //projectMapping: ["ProjectKey_A1":"ProjectKey_B1", "ProjectKey_A2":"ProjectKey_B2"], //issueTypeMapping: ["IssueType_A1":"IssueType_B1", "IssueType_A2":"IssueType_B2"], // moveStatusMapping [:], true, // use the same status if mapping is not specified replica, issue )
Move Issue with Different Workflows for all Issue Types
moveStatusMapping - defines, the status of the issue moved to another workflow.
If an issue which is under sync is moved from LocalWorkFlow1 to LocalWorkFlow2 and the current status is OPEN, set the status TO DO.
Example: [...,"LocalWorkFlow1":[...,"LocalWorkFlow2":[...,"OPEN":"TO DO",...],...],...]
Incoming sync for existing issues(change processor)
if ( != { Move.move( //moveStatusMapping: ["LocalWorkFlow1" : ["LocalWorkFlow2" : ["OPEN": "TO DO"] ] ], //sameStatusIfNotInMapping true, issue, issue.project.key, // the key of the project where the issue is moved to here // the name of the issue type where the issue is moved to ) }
Sync Issues Automatically Using Exalate API in Jira On-premise
This article shows how to start issue synchronization automatically with the help of Exalate API.
Sync an issue according to the specified issue key
def exaCl = com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor .pluginAccessor .getEnabledPlugin("com.exalate.jiranode") .getClassLoader() def exaSyncServiceClass = exaCl.loadClass( "com.exalate.api.trigger.ISyncInitiationService" ) def syncService = com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType( exaSyncServiceClass ) syncService.pair( "PROJ-23", // specify the issue key you want "ConnectionTest" // set the relevant connection name )