Released for JIRA ON-PREMISE on September 06, 2021
In this release, we've added some improvements and bug fixes.
In this release
- JIRANODE-3276 Sped up incoming sync processing with long attachments
Bug fixes
- JIRANODE-3333 Fixed an error while performing cleanup of unfinished transactions
- JIRANODE-3329 Fixed indexing errors
- JIRANODE-3318 Fixed the issue with the sync back not working for the URL custom fields
- JIRANODE-3294 Fixed the issue with Loglevel reset upon plugin restart
- JIRANODE-3335 Fixed the issue with the Visual connections Jiranode getting stuck while establishing
- JIRANODE-3354 Resolved the duplicates issue once the executed script returns an error. Check out Updating External Scripts to be compatible with Exalate 5.2.2 onwards for more information.