How to Sync Group Picker Custom Fields in Jira Cloud

    This article shows how to synchronize Group Picker Jira custom field.

    Jira provides an advanced custom field Group Picker (single group or multiple groups) which helps to choose user group(single or multiple) in a popup picker window. You can synchronize the field values using Exalate. When syncing group picker field Exalate checks whether the group with a certain name exists on the remote side.

    In case the group with such name does not exist on the receiving side you can do the following:

    • set default value
    • create a group with the received group name and set the value to the custom field on the receiving side (applicable only for Jira Server)
    • don't set any value and skip the sync of this field

    Below you can find examples of the group picker filed(single or multiple groups) synchronization for the last option: when the group does not exist on the remote side - don't set any value.

    Jira Server

    Group Picker(single group) Synchronization

    Source side

    Outgoing sync

    if (issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name"?.value instanceof Iterable) {
        issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value = issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value.find()
    replica.customFields."Group picker custom field name" = issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name"

    Destination side

    Incoming sync

    def remoteGroup = replica.customFields."Group picker custom field name"?.value?.name?.asString
    if (remoteGroup) {
        def gm = com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor.groupManager
        def group = gm.getGroup(remoteGroup)
        if (group) {
            issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value = [group]
    } else {
        issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value = null // don't sync the group picker field if a local group is not found

    Group Picker (multiple groups) Synchronization

    Source side

    Outgoing sync

    if (issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name"?.value instanceof Iterable) {
        issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value = issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value.find()
    replica.customFields."Group picker custom field name" = issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name"

    Destination side

    Incoming sync

    def remoteGroups = replica.customFields."Group picker custom field name"?.value?.collect { }
    if (remoteGroups?.any { it != null }) {
        def gm = com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor.groupManager
        def groups = remoteGroups
            .collect { g -> gm.getGroup(g) }
        issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value = groups
    } else {
        issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value = []

    Jira Cloud  

    Group Picker(single group) Synchronization

    Source side

    Outgoing sync

    replica.customFields."Group picker custom field name" = issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name"

    Destination side

    Incoming sync

    def remoteGroup = replica.customFields."Group picker custom field name"?.value?.name?.asString
    if (remoteGroup) {
        def getGroup = { String group ->
            def wc = new JiraClient(httpClient)
            def groupsResultStr = wc.http(
            def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
            def groupsResult = js.parseText(groupsResultStr)
            def groups = groupsResult?.groups?.groups as List
            if (groups == null || groups.empty) {
                return null
            groups.find { == group}
        def group = getGroup(remoteGroup)
        if (group?.name) {
            def restApiGroup = ["name"]
            issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name".value = restApiGroup
    } else {
        issue.customFields."Single Group Picker".value = null // don't sync the group picker field if a local group is not found
    Group Picker (multiple groups) Synchronization

    Source side

    Outgoing sync

    replica.customFields."Group picker custom field name" = issue.customFields."Group picker custom field name"

    Destination side

    Incoming sync

    def remoteGroups = replica.customFields."Groups"?.value?.collect{ it?.name?.asString }?.findAll()
    if (remoteGroups) {
        def restApiGroups = remoteGroups.collect { String remoteGroup ->
            def getGroup = { String group ->
                def groups = httpClient.get("/rest/api/3/user/properties?accountId=5ce5eec03b428d0dcd7cac19")
                groups.find { == group}
            def group = getGroup(remoteGroup)
            if (group?.name) {
                def restApiGroup = ["name"]
            } else {
        issue.customFields."Multiple Group Picker".value = restApiGroups
    } else if (issue.customFields."Multiple Group Picker".value != null && (!remoteGroups || remoteGroups.empty)) {
        issue.customFields."Multiple Group Picker".value = null // don't sync the group picker field if a local group is not found