This article shows how to synchronize a label custom field.
Let's assume you want to synchronize a label custom field named label - cust1.
Source Side
Outgoing sync
replica.customFields."label - cust1" = issue.customFields."label - cust1"
Destination Side
Incoming sync
Set the received label to the local label custom field and if it doesn't find one, it sets an empty array so you don't get a null pointer exception
Note: This method overrides all the existing labels in the custom field.
issue.customFields."label - cust1".value = replica.customFields."label - cust1"?.value ?: []
Add the received label into the local label custom field
issue.customFields."Labels".value += replica.customFields."label - cust1"?.value
How to set a Default Value in a Label Custom Field
To set a default value in a label custom field use the nodeHelper.getLabel
issue.customFields."Epic/Theme".value = replica.customFields."Tags"?.value ?: [