Zendesk - Version 5.0.28

    Released for ZENDESK on Jan 15, 2021

    In this release, we implemented lazy comments. We also made various bug fixes and UI updates

    In this release


    ZENDESK-304Implemented lazy comments
    EXACOMP-982JWT token expiration is now logged as WARN
    EXACOMP-979Improved performance by reworking the data storage mechanism
    EXACOMP-972Implemented lazy loading. This improves performance by not overloading memory with data

    Bug fixes

    EASE-6739Fixed bug with performance issues in connections between Zendesk and Jira Cloud
    ZENDESK-301Fixed bug with the successful verification screen appearing after refreshing a page
    ZENDESK-306Fixed bug where attachments were duplicated in connections between Zendesk and Jira Cloud
    JCLOUD-1504Fixed bug with visual mode connections being stuck
    EXACOMP-981Fixed bug where expired licenses were shown as valid
    EXACOMP-922Fixed bug with pop-up alignment when going to an error from the Connections tab
    SNOWNODE-275Fixed bug where only one entity was shown as synced in Bulk Connect operations
    EXAEDIT-1182Fixed bug with the filter in Sync Queue working incorrectly
    EXAEDIT-1186Fixed bug with license limitations showing incorrectly in Bulk Exalate
    EXACOMP-678Fixed bug where project name wasn't shown if disabling a Visual mode connection
    ZENDESK-297Fixed bug where accepting permissions took a long time in Visual mode connections

    UI updates

    EXACOMP-285Updated the look of the License Details section
    EXACOMP-787Updated the notification after making a Bulk Connect
    EXACOMP-964Bulk Connect and Triggers tabs load faster
    EXACOMP-621Removed the template selection for Script mode connections
    EXAEDIT-1031Fixed alignment of checkboxes in the Add mapping section of Visual mode connections