How to Sync Sprints on Jira On-premise

    This article shows how to synchronize sprints in Exalate for Jira on-premise.

    Note: You need to sync sprints with a trigger before syncing issues.


    Starting from version 4.7.0, you can add sync rules to synchronize sprint data. Exalate considers issues and sprints as independent entities. The scripts below use board IDs to identify what sprints to sync. For example, if you enter a Board ID 1, you sync all sprints from that board.

    Note: Sprint synchronization in Jira on-premise is available only for connections in Script mode. 

    Source Side

    Outgoing Sync

    Use the following script to send the sprint data:

    def boardIds = ["50", "80", "130", "144"] //Boards which sprints will get synced
    if(entityType == "sprint" && boardIds.find{it == sprint.originBoardId}){ =
        replica.goal = sprint.goal
        replica.state = sprint.state
        replica.startDate = sprint.startDate
        replica.endDate = sprint.endDate
        replica.originBoardId = sprint.originBoardId
    if(entityType == "issue"){
       //Executed when syncing an issue to a remote side
       replica.summary = issue.summary
       replica.description = issue.description
       replica.project = issue.project
       replica.type = issue.type
    	//other script rules to sync issues
       replica.customFields."Sprint" = issue.customFields."Sprint"

    Destination Side

    Incoming Sync

    Use this script to sync the received sprint data on your side:

    //entityType represent the type of the remote side entity
    if(entityType == "sprint"){
        //Executed when receiving a sprint sync from the remote side
        def sprintMap = ["162":"50", "197": "80", "214": "130", "225": "144"] //[remoteBoardId: localBoardId]
        sprint.goal = replica.goal
        sprint.state = replica.state?.toUpperCase()
        sprint.startDate = replica.startDate
        sprint.endDate = replica.endDate
        def localBoardId = sprintMap[replica.originBoardId]
        if(localBoardId == null){
           throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("No board mapping for remote board id "+replica.originBoardId)
        sprint.originBoardId = localBoardId //Set the board ID where the sprint will be created
    if(entityType == "issue"){
        //Executed when receiving an issue sync from the remote side
        issue.summary = replica.summary
        if(replica.projectKey == "SCRUM"){
            issue.projectKey = "SCRUM2"
        if(replica.projectKey == "SCRUM2"){
            issue.projectKey = "SCRUM"
        issue.typeName = replica.typeName
        def sprintV = replica.customFields.Sprint.value?.id.collect{ remoteSprintId ->
            return nodeHelper.getLocalIssueKeyFromRemoteId(remoteSprintId, "sprint")?.id?.toString()
        }.findAll{it != null}
        issue.customFields."Sprint".value = sprintV

    Note: You can control which sprints get synchronized from the outgoing sync rules. When you don't want an entity to be synchronized, use return before actually setting any value on the replica.

    if(entityType == "sprint" && sprint.originBoardId == "12"){
    	//Only sync sprints on board 12
        if( == "87") return //avoid syncing sprint with id 87 =
    	replica.goal = sprint.goal
    	replica.state = sprint.state
    	replica.startDate = sprint.startDate
    	replica.endDate = sprint.endDate
        replica.originBoardId = sprint.originBoardId
    //The rest of your outgoing script
    Fields of the sprint entity
    field name type String
    sprint.state String
    sprint.originBoardId String
    sprint.startDate Date
    sprint.endDate Date
    sprint.completeDate Date
    sprint.goal String

    How to Start Sprint Sync?

    To start the synchronization of a sprint you need to create a trigger and select the sprint entity type. Sprints are synced after they are created or updated.

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