With Exalate, you can sync tasks and subtasks while keeping the parent-child relationship on the remote side. See the example below.
Note: The example below works only for connections in Scripting mode. If you already created a connection in Visual mode, you need to create a new connection in Scripting mode.
Source Side
Outgoing sync
Send the ID of the parent issue.
replica.parentId = issue.parentId
Destination Side
Incoming sync
Find the local parent issue with the help of the parent.Id received from the remote side.
To sync the parent link with a subtask, you need to first sync a parent task, and then only the related subtasks. So if you sync subtasks before the parent task, you will get an error.
if(firstSync && replica.parentId){ issue.typeName = "Sub-task" //Make sure to use the right subtask type here. def localParent = nodeHelper.getLocalIssueFromRemoteId(replica.parentId.toLong()) if(localParent){ issue.parentId = localParent.id } else { throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("Subtask cannot be created: parent issue with remote id " + replica.parentId + " was not found. Please make sure the parent issue is synchronized before resolving this error" ) } }
Syncing Subtasks Automatically after Syncing Parent Task (Jira Cloud)
Outgoing sync
// Automatically sync all subtasks when syncing parent task httpClient.get("/rest/api/3/issue/"+issueKey.id).fields.subtasks?.collect{ def subTaskKey = new com.exalate.basic.domain.BasicIssueKey(it.id, it.key) syncHelper.exalate(subTaskKey) }
Syncing Subtasks in Visual Mode for Jira Cloud and Jira on-premise
With this script, you can specify how the subtask will be linked to the parent task.
if(firstSync && replica.parentId){ issue.typeName = "Sub-task" //Make sure to use the right subtask type here. def localParent = nodeHelper.getLocalIssueFromRemoteId(replica.parentId.toLong()) if(localParent){ issue.parentId = localParent.id } else { throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("Subtask cannot be created: parent issue with remote id " + replica.parentId + " was not found. Please make sure the parent issue is synchronized before resolving this error" ) } }