How to Sync Pull Requests on GitHub

    This article shows how to synchronize pull requests from GitHub to Jira issue.


    Exalate considers GitHub pull requests as issues. Source side (GitHub). To start the synchronization of pull requests you need to create a trigger with the following query.


    Incoming sync

    Send the issue type data from GitHub

    replica.type = issue.type
    h2 id="HowtosynchronizepullrequestsonGitHub?-Destinationside(Jira)">Destination side (Jira)

    By default received pull requests are considered received issues. You can distinguish the received pull requests from the issues by setting a separate issue type. Check the example below for more details.

    Incoming sync

    Set 'Pull Request' as the issue type name for the received pull requests from the GitHub.

    if( == "Pull Request"){
        issue.typeName = "Pull Request"