Released for JIRA ON-PREMISE on June 8, 2022
In this release, we've added some bug fixes.
In this release
Bug fixes
- JIRANODE-3221 Fixed the issue with cookies getting logged
- JIRANODE-3479 Fixed the Server error (500) that appeared when removing all licenses
- JIRANODE-3480 Fixed the issue with the Exalate jwt token not getting verified
- JIRANODE-3490 Fixed the Visual connection first sync error when an issue had more than 1 sync on the sync panel
- JIRANODE-3501 Fixed the issue where Sync protocol stuck Jira on-premise being public
- JIRANODE-3502 Fixed the issue where processing failed with SQL errors when using the Oracle database
- JIRANODE-3503 Fixed the priority error when the issue is synchronizing by Visual connection