Jira on-premise - Version 5.1.0

    Released for JIRA ON-PREMISE on Dec 28, 2020

    In this release, we've added a new interface to set up a connection between instances. You can use it if you have admin access to both instances. Check out Set up a Visual connection in Exalate for Jira on-premise for more details.

    In this release


    JIRANODE-3106upgraded to scala 2.12 and play 2.8 dependencies
    EXACOMP-655Improved Triggers to be available only in case you have connections
    EXACOMP-773Improved Publish button to work as Publish and Resolve in case connection has errors
    EXACOMP-775Improved Licensing page to be more user-friendly
    EXACOMP-784Improved how Publish button works in visual connections
    EXACOMP-798Improved input fields to show placeholder text examples
    EXACOMP-840Added shortcut key to publish connection rules
    EXACOMP-844Improved Sync Queue

    Added spinner when downloading support.zip file

    EXACOMP-871Security improvements
    EXACOMP-914Improved how triggers work
    EXACOMP-916Added limit the number of character in connection name
    EXACOMP-927Error list improvements
    EXAEDIT-1092Improved polling time for the access token

    Bug fixes

    EXACOMP-715Fixed Bulk Connect to work correctly
    EXACOMP-722Fixed the error page to work correctly
    EXACOMP-757Fixed the problem with connection deletion
    EXACOMP-877Fixed the triggers to work correctly
    EXAEDIT-1041Fixed Go to remote button to work correctly