How to Force a Quick Sync of Missing Fields in the Synced Entities


    You've already synchronization set up and running, but you've realized that some fields are missing in synced issues. Your synchronization includes thousands of issues from within different projects and it takes quite some time to sync once again.


    The Outgoing sync does not have rules for the missing fields.


    1. Add the script for the missing fields into the Outgoing script on the Source instance
      Important: If your outgoing script was already including the field, you will need to add something new to the replica so Exalate detects there is something new to sync. For example:
      //.... = new java.util.Date()If you have an error on the Destination instance, update your incoming script there, so it returns if the field is missing. After updating the script, resolve the error.
      //In this example we are missing a custom field Country.
      // First instruction on your script:
      if(replica.customFields.Country == null) return; //Sync will be ignored if the customFields country is not received
      // Rest of your incoming script
    2. Add the missing field's script into the Incoming script.
    3. Run Bulk Exalate on the existing trigger.