Configuring Exalate Script Connections with AI Assist: A Step-by-Step Guide


    Welcome to the Exalate AI Assist! This feature is designed to assist non-technical users in generating and editing sync scripts based on simple prompts. With the AI Assist, you can configure connections without high proficiency in scripting languages.

    Key Features

    • AI-driven script generation: AI generates a script based on your prompt and the latest sync rules available in the script editor.
    • Interaction in both Sync editors: Prompts for script generation can be entered in both the Incoming and Outgoing Sync editors.
    • Review and apply changes: The AI-generated script is displayed in the script editor with highlighted changes. You have the option to insert or discard the changes.

    Note:  the AI Assist feature requires an active internet connection.

    Disabling / Enabling the AI Assist Feature

    AI Assist feature in Exalate can be configured via the variable FEATURE_AI_ASSIST_ENABLED. By default, this variable is not set. 

    On Docker, you can disable the AI Assist feature by setting the FEATURE_AI_ASSIST_ENABLED variable. To enable it, set FEATURE_AI_ASSIST_ENABLED=true

    For the respective issue tracker please check the Environment Variables configuration sections in the Installation Guides for more details.

    For cloud connectors, to enable or disable the AI Assist feature, please submit a request to the Exalate Support team for assistance.

    How to configure script connection using AI Assist

    This guide will walk you through configuring an Exalate script connection using AI Assist. 

    Step 1: Access the Sync rule editor

    • Open Sync rules editor: 
      • Once you have selected or created a connection, click on the "Rules" tab. You will see two editors: the Incoming Sync editor and the Outgoing Sync editor.
      • Navigate to the editor where you want to make changes

    Note: it’s possible to make changes in both editors simultaneously.

    Step 2: Use the AI Assist to generate scripts

    • Locate the AI Assist input field:
      • In both the Incoming Sync and Outgoing Sync editors, you will find an AI Assist input field with the placeholder text: “Specify what you’d like to sync here…”.
    • Enter your prompt: 
      • Type your prompt in the input field. For example: “I want to sync only internal comments.”
    • Submit the prompt: 
      • After entering your prompt, click the "Submit" button to send it to the AI Assist.

    Step 3: Wait for AI processing

    • Processing the prompt:
      • Once you submit your prompt, a loading indicator will appear, and the screen will be frozen to show that the AI is processing your request.
    • Expected time of processing:
      • The average expected response time depends on the prompt complexity:
        • For short and simple prompts the average time of response is about 40 seconds.
        • For medium and high-complexity prompts the response time can range from 1-5 minutes or slightly longer in some cases.

    Step 4: Display AI-generated script

    • Generated script display:
      • After processing, the AI-generated script will be displayed in the script editor with highlighted changes.
    • AI response message:
      • The AI will notify you when the configuration suggestion is ready.

    Step 5: Review and insert/discard AI suggestions

    • Review changes:
      • Carefully review the AI-generated script and the highlighted changes.
    • Decision making:
      • Insert Changes: If you are satisfied with the AI suggestions, click the "Insert" button to apply the changes to the script editor. 
      • Discard: If you do not want to use the AI suggestions, click the "Discard" button to revert to the latest published sync rules.

    Note: you cannot edit the script until you insert or discard the AI-suggested changes. 

    Step 6: Publish changes

    • Finalize script:
      • Once you have reviewed and inserted the changes (if accepted), click the "Publish" button to save the updated script.
    • Unfreeze editor:
      • The script editor will be unfrozen, allowing you to make further manual edits if necessary.

    Note: once you publish the changes you cannot revert to the previous version of the script.