What is the Difference between Issue.type and Issue.type.name?

    One of the most important details when configuring synchronization between multiple JIRA Instances is the issue type field.

    Jira issue.type is an object with a set of properties such as name, id, etc.

    When syncing the issue type you can send the whole object or issue.type.name string property (issue.type object property).

    Below you can see examples of the scripts that help to sync issue types in different ways.

    Sync Rules include issue type sync by default. You can adapt the script to your needs.

    Source Side

    Outgoing sync

    • Send the issue.type object(This script is included in the default sync rules).
    replica.type = issue.type
    • Send issue.typeName string property
    replica.typeName = issue.type.name

    Destination Side

    Incoming sync

    • Set an issue.typeName to Task for all incoming issues
    issue.typeName = replica.type?.name ?: "Task"
    • Set an issue.type for incoming issues as received from the source side
    issue.typeName = replica.typeName