How to Enable Debug Logging in Jira On-premise

    How to enable temporary logging

    1. Access administration
    2. Locate the 'Logging & Profiling' page in the System section
    3. Locate the "Configure logging level for another package"
    4. Enter 'com.exalate' as the package name
    5. Select 'Debug' as the logging level

    The addon will now start logging debug messages in the standard log (normally <JIRA-HOME>/log/atlassian-jira.log

    For more details - check the documentation provided by Atlassian: Logging and Profiling

    How to Disable Debug Logging

    1. Access administration
    2. Locate the 'Logging & Profiling' page in the System section
    3. Seek for com.exalate
    4. Change logging level to 'WARN'

    How to Rotate Log Files

    1. Access administration
    2. Locate the 'Logging & Profiling' Page in the System section
    3. Check the 'Log Rollover' checkbox
    4. Click Mark

    How to Enable Permanent Logging

    Open the file using a text editor such as notepad++ (windows) or vi (unix) and paste the following properties
    to the end of the file. This file is located under <JIRA installation>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/ (for JIRA standalone versions)

    Then restart JIRA.

    # exalate DEV LOGGING JIRA 6.0 and higher
    log4j.appender.devlog.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] <%c{1}> %m%n
 = DEBUG, devlog, console = false