Couldn't Install Exalate for Zendesk
What to do when you can't install Exalate for Zendesk
Exalate App for Zendesk Doesn't Authenticate Automatically on Safari
What to do when Exalate App for Zendesk doesn't authenticate automatically on Safari
Error when Syncing Comments or Attachments in Zendesk
Problem In Exalate for Zendesk, ticket sync could sometimes get stuck with one of the following error messages: Error detail: Exception evaluating property 'length' for services.node.hubobjects.ZendeskObjectToHubObjectConversionService$$anon$1...
A New Sync Isn't Scheduled
What to do when Exalate for Zendesk stops scheduling new sync.
Recreate a Lost Webhook
How to ensure Exalate picks up changes on Zendesk tickets and the synchronization is taking place.
Custom Fields are Randomly Updating
What to do when Custom Fields are randomly updating