Troubleshooting in Jira on-premise


Proxy User Can't Access Service Desk
Problem You are developing a synchronization between Jira software and JIRA Service Management instances (or projects) and you bump into an error as detailed below. Error detail: com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException: It was not poss...
Proxy User Can't Create Attachments
Problem Attachments do not synchronize for some of the issues. Error Details: Proxy user can not create attachments Cause The  Proxy User  does not have permission to add attachments. Solution Make sure the Proxy User has permission to ...
Incompatibility with Prevent Anonymous Access 2.1
Problem Exalate Authentication fails. Cause The additional plugin blocks non-authenticated requests. Note : Known issue: Exalate for Jira on-premise is not compatible with Prevent Anonymous Access add-on. Solution  Disable Prevent Anonymou...
Votes, Voters, Epic Links don't Sync Automatically
Problem Jira does not fire any issue event when some of the fields are updated. The following fields won't get an issue update event: Votes Voters Epic link ( for more details please refer to the Atlassian ticket ) Solution Note : Changi...
Can't install Exalate by Uploading .Jar File
Problem Error detail: An unexpected error occured. Refer to the logs for more information Cause The .jar file size is too big. Solution Copy the Download link address and install the app by pasting this link in the Upload app - From thi...
Local connection is Detected while Creating Connection between Different Jira On-premise Instances
Problem You have 2 Jira on-premise instances and you're trying to set up a Connection between them. Error detail: Cause When the instances are created from the same back up they have the same server ID. Exalate uses the server ID to detect t...
Exalate production is down. How do I ensure all changes are synchronized?
Problem The Exalate servers were not accessible and the interface claimed that the service is not available. I've noticed that some of the changes were not synchronized, but the synchronization status shows "synchronized". Solution Go to Adminis...
Problem When a user tries to exalate an issue from the operation menu, Jira responds with a 500 error. Error detail: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getCreator()Lcom/atlassian/crowd/embedded/api/User The loggin...
Java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect String Value
Problem Error detail: java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A",...' for column 'PAYLOAD'. Cause Some versions of MySQL don't support emojis in the description or comments of issues, raising exceptions like this. ...
Missing Property Exception when Using Exalate External Scripts
Problem When using the Exalate external scripts library you get an error as shown below. Error detail: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: StatusSync for class: Script Note : Please note, that the error message might...
SQL Exception Thrown by the Active Objects Library
Problem When upgrading from Exalate 3. X version to 4. X the following error is raised: The object 'U_AO_08F1AF_INSTANCE_NAME' is dependent on column 'NAME'. Cause We are using Atlassian Act...
Exalate isn't Loading After an Update
Problem In some cases, Exalate won't load when updated to a newer version. Cause One of the reasons for this problem is the lack of tablespace in the database. If the package is in DEBUG level, after re-enabling Exalate, you ...
Project Key wasn't Set
Problem When establishing a Connection in Basic Mode with the Exalate version lower than 5.2.0 on Jira on-premise, you will get the following error: Error detail: Project key was not set Cause Connections in Basic Mode were introduced in...
No Signature for toTimestamp Error
Problem You are developing a synchronization between 2 instances one of which is Jira on-premise. Error detail: No signature of method: java.util.Date.toTimestamp() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Cause Since the recent ...
Jira Performance Issues Related to Multiple Issue Views Open at the Same Time
Problem In some cases, whenever a lot of users navigate to view issue screens at the same time, Jira's performance goes down seemingly due to a deluge of SQL queries. Cause Every time you have an open tab with the issue view, Exalate will send ...
Organization Sync is Broken
Problem When syncing the Organization field between two Service Desk projects in Jira on-premise, the following error occurs: Error detail: Exalate has problems while trying to create an issue in this Jira. Details: Error occurred while cre...
Method Not Allowed Error on Jira v9.0.0
Problem While installing Exalate on Jira on-premise v.9.0.0 or upgrading Jira to v9.0.0 with Exalate already installed, you might get the following error:   Error detail: HTTP Status 405 - Method Not Allowed Cause There is a compatibility...
Known Issue: Incompatibility with the Field Security Add On
Problem The field Security Add-on is not compatible with the Exalate App. The symptoms of the incompatibility are stack traces in the logs such as: [2020-10-12 10:13:15,411] An exception occurred while trying to call Issue.setComponentObjects ...